Executive Presbyter
The Rev. David H. Johnson
E-Mail Address: davehj@twcny.rr.com
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Dave has served as Executive Presbyter of The Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since December of 1997. He provides spiritual and pastoral leadership to the presbytery staff, and administrative, supportive, and resourcing services to the presbytery, its committees and task forces, churches, ministers, and lay leaders. He is a graduate of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA and Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, NJ. Dave and wife Barbara have a daughter, Amy Rebecca-Ping Johnson.
Stated Clerk
The Rev. Earl B. Arnold
E-Mail Address: ebarnold@twcny.rr.com
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Earl has served as Stated Clerk of The Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since September 1, 1996. He serves as parliamentarian of Presbytery, resource to committees and task forces, churches, ministers and lay leaders, and maintains minutes and other official records of the Presbytery. He is a graduate of Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and San Francisco Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA.
Mission Coordinator
Elder Susan E. Doran
E-Mail Address: substitute_mom@hotmail.com
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Sue has served as Mission Communicator, now Coordinator, since November 1994. She edits the good news of the presbytery in a bi-monthly newsletter, The Grapevine, and monthly up-dates called Clippings from the Grapevine. She assists congregations to identify and implement mission & ministry opportunities; facilitates fund-raising/ grant writing and promotional work; and relates to the Synod of the Northeast and General Assembly for the purpose of mission interpretation. She is a graduate of SUNY Cortland and SUNY Oswego, with an MS in Education/English, certified to teach grades 7-12. Sue and husband Jim have a grown daughter and son and two grandchildren. They have helped “New Sons #1-7” by providing a solid family while these young adults pursue college or career.
Presbytery Administrator
Rosemarie C. Sandford
E-Mail Address: pofcayug@twcny.rr.com
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Rose has served as Presbytery Administrator since January 1994. She provides administrative assistance to the Executive Presbyter, staff, officers, committees and units of the Presbytery. Rose is a graduate from Central City Business Institute, Syracuse, NY, with an Advanced Secretarial Degree. She came to the Presbytery with twenty years experience serving in various support staff positions with the Synod of the Northeast.
W. Renee Perry
E-Mail Address: pbyfinan@twcny.rr.com
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Renee has served as Bookkeeper since June 2003. She manages the financial accounts of the Presbytery, maintains necessary records, and provides financial information to committees and congregations. Renee came to the Presbytery with 27 years experience in insurance.
Resource Center Coordinator
Elder Linda S. Russell
E-mail Address: presbyrc@twcny.rr.com
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Linda has served as Presbytery Resource Center Coordinator since January 1995. She provides resources and services that assist the churches and units of Presbytery in furthering their mission and ministry. She keeps current the PC (U.S.A.) educational materials, theology books, magazines, videos, and curricula for all ages; and is working toward providing an online catalogue. Linda also serves as the Director of Christian Education for one of the churches in the presbytery. She is a graduate of Carroll College with a BA degree in English, Education and Psychology, and began her career as a high school English teacher. Linda and her husband have six grown children and seven grandchildren.
Volunteer in Mission for Peace and Justice
The Rev. Janet P. Newman
E-mail Address: revjan@adelphia.net
Office Phone: 315-446-6110
Janet has served as Volunteer in Mission for Peace and Justice for the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since March 2005. She seeks to assist congregations of the Presbytery in their peacemaking and justice ministries, coordinate and facilitate programs of the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, as well as promote advocacy. She is a graduate of Heidelberg College, Tiffin, OH and Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, NY. She is a former public school teacher, Christian Educator, as well as congregational pastor. Janet and her husband, Richard, have three grown daughters.
Elder Mark C. Peters
E-mail Address: markp@peterscpas.com
Office Phone: 316-476-1616
Mark has served as Treasurer for the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since November 2003. He assists and advises the Presbytery in managing its financial resources, and serves as its financial officer. He is a CPA and President/ CEO of Peters & Associates in Syracuse, NY. Mark is an elder and member of the First Presbyterian Church, Cazenovia, NY.