“Equipping our Churches to Fulfill
Christ’s Great Commission”

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”                         Matthew 28:19-20a

We believe that God is calling the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse to be God’s instrument for change and renewal. Our charge is to equip and empower our churches for service and mission, as Christ directed in his Great Commission. We understand mission as God’s way of saving the world. We model our life together on the unity that we see at work among the three persons of the Trinity. We lift up four areas of priority for our common mission: communityevangelism and missionscripture; and spirituality at the outset of our undertaking. With God’s guidance, these are the traits of character and habits of mind we intend to develop, to show, and to share.


We will express our oneness in Christ by affirming, respecting, and honoring each
other at all times, regarding theological differences within the Reformed tradition,
or any cultural differences, as the means by which insight and understanding is gained.
We will promote and nurture the priesthood of all believers (2 Peter 3:9). We will urge elders, as full partners in ministry with our clergy, to be active spiritual leaders,
following biblical and constitutional descriptions of the functions of that office.

Evangelism and Mission

Jesus came to fulfill God’s covenant to save the world. The ministry of Jesus was  comprehensive. He called people to repentance, led his followers to salvation through faith in him, and manifested social righteousness through his words and actions.  Following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will work with our congregations
to develop the witnessing to our faith and to act in the interests of justice and compassion.


The Bible is the inspired word of God. In it God’s purpose and plan for us and for our
lives are revealed. Knowledge of the Bible is essential to the church’s understanding of
its mission. Therefore the presbytery will emphasize the importance of Biblical teaching
and learning to promote the understanding and use of scripture in personal Christian discipline and in ministry and mission.


The Holy Spirit comes to empower the faithful and to guide them in truth, justice, and peace. To be children of God, spiritual renewal is an urgent necessity. It must be a primary focus of every committee and group of the presbytery. The presbytery will work to be open to the presence and indwelling of the Spirit, making resources
available for spiritual formation, so our churches may discover and rediscover new
life in the Spirit.

We know that mission begins with God, is revealed in Jesus Christ, and is
experienced as the Holy Spirit works in and through our churches. We believe that
living out Jesus Christ’s Great Commission is the fitting expression of our faith.
